A Reminder To Be Thankful And Give Back

I’m keep this short for Thanksgiving, but I just wanted to share a way for us to give back. While so many of us will be spending our holidays with our families, friends and lots of food, we can’t forget to help those in need all across the globe. Do what you can to help those less fortunate and remember to be thankful for all the good fortunes that you have.

I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

World Visions Catalog

World Visions Catalog

World Vision Gift Catalog–  As socially responsible giving is growing in popularity it’s always hard to know if your money is actually going towards the real cause. Here’s a way to give back through the World Vision’s Gift Catalog where your donation will be utilized to provide much-needed assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict and you will receive a beautiful handcrafted gift in return. This organization helps provide everything from clean water, to food, education and so much more for communities around the globe. It is such a great cause and not that you need something in return to help those less fortunate, but there are some pretty awesome items to receive in exchange for your donation. For example, the beautifully carved cinnamon bark box from Vietnam that contains 3 oz. of cinnamon and bears an Asian character for prosperity. Maybe a small token to those of us who are so privileged, but can make such a remarkable impact in helping someone else in the world that is less fortunate. Let’s do what we can to help!

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