I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; India, while nearly impossible to capture through words or photographs, is a place that can only be experienced.
Right on the heels of my return from another wonderful trip to the Motherland, I’m recovering from jet lag and trying to get back into the swing of things here at home in Chicago. It’s always a bit of a brutal reentry, especially after leaving 90 degrees and sun, in exchange for 25 degrees and gloom. But, I guess that’s reality!
On this two week trip, I spent one week at my home base in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, enjoying time with my family and cousins and then one week traveling through two cities in Rajasthan, Jaisalmer and Jaipur. It’s no secret by now that I’m completely obsessed with Rajasthan. Maybe because it’s the land of royal palaces, stunning artwork and architecture, detailed craftsmanship and vibrant colors set against the desert backdrop. Whatever the reason, I absolutely love it.
I’m planning on writing separate posts to share about each of the cities I visited and some of the awesome highlights, but thought I’d share a few pictures (trust me, there are MANY). One thing I’ve come to realize is that I really do love telling a story through my adventures. It was so humbling to receive SO many compliments on Instagram about my photos and videos and experiencing India through my lens. If nothing else, I find joy in sharing what I can with others.
Enjoy these photos and stay tuned for more in-depth posts coming soon. I’m barely back home and I already miss India!

I love that list pic of you so much! And all of the colors!!
Thanks so much Erica!!! India is such a beautiful, colorful country.