Category Archives: Toronto

Bagel Quota Met For 2012

I recently returned from an amazing few days in Toronto for my cousin Shreyansh’s wedding. It was a blast and I am exhausted. Every time I come back from a fun trip, I realize something….isn’t it funny how when we are on vacation or at some sort of family gathering that all we do is eat and everything revolves around food? And I have come to realize more and more that my willpower goes down significantly in these situations. I always think that I am going to “try” and eat really healthy and avoid junk food. “Try” is the operative word in that sentence.

Sign at Toronto Airport

Great sign at Toronto Pearson Airport

Before I get to the real part of this post, I just had to share this awesome sign I saw at the Toronto airport. It spoke to me from more than just a travel perspective. I found myself standing in front of this sign with a big smile on my face and couldn’t help but feel happy. I was also really wishing that I could just take the first flight out on an around-the-world trip, rather than go home….

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